Holmes Hall on the quad

Office of Student Disability Support Services

As a critical component of Morgan State University, Student Disability Support Services (SDSS) is dedicated to assisting students with disabilities accomplish their scholastic and career goals by supporting academic and advocacy skills and by helping to eliminate the physical, 技术, and attitudinal barriers that limit opportunities. Student Disability Support Services is committed to providing all services and operating all programs in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, 修订的 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 修订的.

In accordance with The ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the University is required to provide equal access and equal opportunities for individuals with documented disabilities. A person with a disability is defined as:

  • A student with a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits a major life activity (e.g. caring for one’s self, 走, 说话, 看到, 听力, 思考, 学习, 集中, 工作)
  • A student who has current documentation (e.g. recent psycho-educational evaluation confirming a 学习 disability) of such impairment from a qualified professional.
  • A student who is regarded as having impairment

The ADA is a federal law, and colleges and universities are required to make reasonable accommodations to ensure that students with documented disabilities are able to participate in higher education. 这是, the ADA specifies that students with documented disabilities who apply for services must be granted accommodations which afford the same opportunities for access, unless it would cause and undue hardship.

WHO is eligible?  

  • Students with disabilities who have current and valid documentation of their disability from a licensed physician, 心理学家, or other appropriately qualified specialist.
  • Students with special circumstances can call us to discuss their situation. 

WHAT do you need to do?

  • Self-Identify to SDSS by completing an Intake Form using the link on this webpage.
  • Provide SDSS with current documentation (within 3-5 years old) of your disability, from your treating provider.
  • SDSS will reach out to schedule an appointment to engage in the interactive process to discuss your accommodation needs.
  • Request your Accommodation Memos from SDSS each semester to deliver and discuss with each of your professors.
  • Reach out to SDSS with any questions.

WHAT can we do for you?

  • Assist you in determining accommodations.
  • Encourage an on-going relationship with SDSS.
  • Assist you in finding academic resources on campus.
  • Meet with you, as needed, for problem solving.
  • Advise you about communication with your professors.

WHAT are reasonable accommodations?

  • Accommodations are a necessary part of providing equal access to University programs and facilities.
  • Accommodations are not considered reasonable if they change the core elements or requirements of a course or program.
  • Students must request accommodations in a timely fashion.  SDSS recommends requesting accommodations and accommodation memos at least two weeks before the beginning of each semester.
  • The university does not provide students with personal assistants or equipment.

WHEN should you begin the accommodations process?

  • The request for services should be made before or during the registration period.
  • The student must contact and meet with SDSS if they require accommodations.

For information please contact:

Student Disability Support Services (SDSS)
Telephone - 443-885-4767
Fax - 443-885-8026

*  Please notify SDSS if alternative format is needed for any of the information throughout SDSS's website.